As September 16 (Bhadra end) was the last day to declare the dividend for the seven commercial banks that were yet to meet the paid-up capital requirement of Rs 2 arba, all of them have met the target. Though NCC Bank did not publicly declare its dividend yesterday, it has, nevertheless, already submitted its capital increment plan to the central bank, as one of its top official has just informed ShareSansar.
Apart from Everest Bank Limited, these mid-cap banks will definitely continue to spur the market today and days to come as it did over the past couple of days, according to experts.
The commercial banks yet to meet the paid-up requirement are Everest Bank Limited, Kumari Bank Limited, Laxmi Bank Limited, Bank of Kathmandu Limited, Lumbini Bank Limited, Nepal Credit and Commerce Bank Limited and Siddhartha Bank Limited.
We have compiled the dividends offered by the seven commercial banks as well as the dividends pledged by the other commercial banks so far for your convenience.
source/table: sharesansar.com,17 september 2014
investor confidence.
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